Customer Testimonials

The best reflection of our work is a happy customer. Take a look at the customer testimonials below and see what they think about our work.

“I could not be happier with Paul Davis Restoration. Again and again over the many months, their professionals went above and beyond the all of duty to help me out in so many ways. The owner, Mr. John Sheriff, was there with me every step of the way and I cannot thank him enough. WELL DONE Mr. Sheriff!” – Greg G.

“Israel Jaramillo came to steam clean the bathroom tile in the bathroom where the fire started & did an excellent job. He was very professional & went beyond his job in my opinion by first inquiring about what my concerns were about the tile & then explaining what he was going to do do to clean the tile. When he was done he asked me to check & see if the cleaning met my approval. He was also very kind to explain to me how to keep my tile clean & how to seal the grout. I am very happy with his work & you should hire more people like him. He is very respectful, has great manners & is very professional.” – Hilda L.

“After having a major water disaster in my home I contacted several restoration companies. Although I was unable to utilize the services of this company due to my location, I would recommend them “without hesitation” to anyone in need of water or fire restoration services. I was given more useful information, ideas and direction from John than any other company I spoke with. Paul Davis Restoration was professional and had volumes of information and was willing to provide that throughout the process of this unfortunate situation. If I could provide a 10 star review – I would! Excellent customer service!” – Terry R.