It’s that time of year, when all of us in the Albuquerque area will make our New Year’s resolutions. No matter how long your list is, the key to success is setting realistic goals with specific ways to achieve them. A classic example is weight loss – simply putting this on your list isn’t enough. The likelihood of success will increase if you set smaller goals along the way. For example, losing 5 pounds in January by eating less and walking 30 minutes a day. Are you vowing to boost your financial savings? Outline just how you’ll do that, such as setting aside a specific amount of money from every paycheck. Many experts in personal finances recommend having these funds sent automatically to a separate account so that you won’t be tempted to do anything else with it.
It’s also important to minimize your resolutions. Setting too many goals will make it difficult to give them all the time they deserve. Instead, focus on how you can keep one or two resolutions. Don’t get frustrated if you make a mistake with any of your resolutions.
One resolution we make and strive for each year is to do our best to serve our community whenever we’re needed. From all of us at , Happy New Year!